U.S. NAVY Spiral 4 Contract

Delivering essential commercial communication solutions to the U.S. Navy and federal agencies.

WidePoint is an agnostic provider of Managed Mobility Services (MMS) to the U.S. Federal Government. Since 1998, WidePoint has supported Government agencies with wireless mobility solutions, customizing our secure platform, Intelligent Technology Management System (ITMS™/Platform) solution, to provide cost-saving results.

IDIQ Contract number: N00244-24-D-0011

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For RFI/RFQ/RFP requests and questions:
Spiral 4 Proposals Team
[email protected]
For all questions after contract award:
WidePoint Customer Service Team
Are you a WidePoint Spiral 4 Partner?
For contract information:

View Flowdown Clauses

For questions regarding “How to Order” Spiral 4,
visit the DoN Wireless Mobility Program Office website.

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Airline Case Study Healthcare Case Study

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Spiral 4 Wireless Services Contract?

Spiral 4 is the fourth iteration of the Wireless Services Contract managed by the Department of the Navy’s Wireless Mobility Program Office. Please refer to the NAVSUP website at https://my.navsup.navy.mil/apps/ops$ncmpo.home for more information, including the ordering process.

Who can purchase service and devices from WidePoint through the Spiral 4 Wireless Services Contract?

The Spiral 4 IDIQ is available for use by any federal agency. However, it is mandatory for the Department of Defense to procure unclassified (including CUI) wireless communications services. Please refer to the DOD CIO memo from May 23, 2024, with the subject “DoD UNCLASSIFIED Wireless Mobile Services and Devices Spiral 4” for full guidance.

What services and devices can the Government purchase from WidePoint?

WidePoint offers the latest generation of smartphones and tablets. We also provide pagers, mifi devices, and device accessories. Depending on your required activity, you may purchase services only, services with devices, or devices only.

What kind of pagers does WidePoint offer?

WidePoint offers one-way numeric, one-way alphanumeric, and two-way alphanumeric paging devices and services.

Who can I contact at WidePoint for more information?

Please email us at [email protected] for all procurement requests. For all other requests, please call our Customer Service line at 855-909-1106.

How do I access ITMS™ ?

After the delivery/task order is signed, our onboarding team will contact you to request user list and access level per user. You will then be able to manage all devices you purchased from WidePoint, generate reports as needed, as well as order replacements/new devices.

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WidePoint’s Solutions are customized to each organization to deliver maximum value, enhanced security and data protection. No matter your industry or enterprise budget, WidePoint has the expertise needed to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs.

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